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No matter what stage you find yourself in with your finances, there’s always room for improvement. And there’s never been a better time to get on track with your money than now.

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“The future of financial planning is a topic that’s really exciting to me, especially as we look ahead to 2025,” said Peter Murphy Lewis, finance expert and head of growth at WebStreet. “The financial ecosystem is evolving rapidly, and there are a few key trends that I believe will shape the way we approach financial planning in the coming years.”

Keep reading for five key financial trends to look for in 2025 and beyond.

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Digital Transformation

According to Lewis, the financial planning landscape will be deeply intertwined with digital transformation by 2025.

“We’re not just talking about mobile apps and online banking anymore — those are already the norm. The real shift will come from AI and machine learning, which will enable hyper-personalized financial strategies tailored to individual needs,” he said.

These tools, he explained, will analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, offering insights that were previously only available to those with deep pockets. This means that the average investor will have access to sophisticated financial planning tools that were once out of reach.

“My advice is to embrace these technologies wholeheartedly,” Lewis added. “Start incorporating AI-driven financial tools into your planning now, and you’ll be well ahead of the curve by the time 2025 rolls around. Remember, technology isn’t here to replace human advisors, but to augment their capabilities, making financial planning more precise and accessible.”

Justin Godur, finance advisor and founder of Capital Max, highlighted the same. “One of the key trends I anticipate is the increased integration of AI-driven tools in financial planning.”

These tools, he said, will not only streamline the process of budgeting, investing and forecasting, but will also offer hyper-personalized advice tailored to an individual’s spending habits, financial goals and risk tolerance.

“The days of generic financial advice are numbered; we’re moving toward a world where AI understands your financial behavior better than you might yourself,” said Godur.

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Sustainable Investing

According to Lewis, sustainable investing is not just a trend; it’s the future.

“By 2025, we expect ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria to become a central pillar in financial planning strategies. Investors are increasingly aware of the impact their money can have on the world, and they’re choosing to align their investments with their values,” he explained.

This shift is driven by a growing demand for transparency and accountability from companies. “Sustainable investing is not only about doing good, but it’s also about securing strong returns.”

Lewis added that companies with solid ESG practices are proving to be more resilient and better positioned for long-term success. “For those looking to future-proof their portfolios, now is the time to start exploring ESG funds and opportunities. Integrating sustainability into your investment strategy is not just ethical; it’s smart business.”

Godur emphasized the same, and explained that with growing awareness around ESG factors, more investors are looking to align their portfolios with their values. “This shift isn’t just a passing fad — it’s becoming a fundamental part of financial planning. I encourage clients to start exploring ESG funds now to get ahead of the curve.”

Financial Wellness Programs

As we approach 2025, the importance of financial wellness in the workplace will become increasingly evident. “The traditional model of offering a 401(k) and calling it a day is no longer sufficient,” said Lewis.

Employees are seeking more comprehensive financial wellness programs that address their overall financial health. This includes everything from debt management and budgeting to retirement planning and investment advice.

“Companies that offer robust financial wellness programs will not only attract top talent, but also increase employee satisfaction and productivity,” Lewis continued.

For employers, he said this is an investment in your workforce’s future that will pay dividends in the form of a more engaged and financially secure team. “My advice to employers is to start thinking about how you can enhance your financial wellness offerings. This isn’t just a benefit; it’s a strategic advantage in a competitive job market.”

Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets

According to Lewis, cryptocurrencies and digital assets are rapidly moving from the fringes to the mainstream, and by 2025, they will play an even more significant role in diversified portfolios. “While the crypto market can be volatile and is still evolving, it offers unique opportunities for those willing to navigate its complexities.”

However, he noted it’s essential to approach digital assets with caution. “Diversification remains the golden rule — crypto should be a part of a well-balanced portfolio, not the entire strategy.”

His recommendation for investors is to educate themselves thoroughly about the risks and rewards of digital assets. “Don’t jump in blindly. Take the time to understand the market, seek advice from experts, and consider how these assets fit into your broader financial goals. The potential is enormous, but so are the risks, so proceed with both enthusiasm and caution.”

Financial Literacy Will Continue To Grow

One of the more surprising trends predicted by Godur is the importance of financial literacy continuing to grow. “In a world where financial products are becoming more complex, those who take the time to educate themselves will have a significant advantage,” he said.

His advice? Don’t rely solely on your financial planner — empower yourself with knowledge. “The future of financial planning is bright, but it requires us to be proactive, informed, and open to embracing new tools and strategies.”

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This article originally appeared on 5 Future Trends in Financial Planning for 2025


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