Riddle me this, what’s nostalgic yet new, and will delight both the many, and the few? That would be Batman: Caped Crusader, the new Amazon Prime Video series resurrecting Bruce Timm-style Batman via well, Bruce Timm.

The show has just debuted on Amazon as of yesterday, and it has now amassed 50 review from critics. And despite that, it has retained a perfect 100% score there, a true rarity. Having now watched the series for myself, yes, I get it. It’s well-deserved.

It really is a blend of a show that makes you feel warm and nostalgic for Batman: The Animated Series, yet simultaneously fresh with its ‘40s take on Gotham and a complete re-imagining of a number of characters. Bruce and Batman are pretty similar to how they’ve always been, but the new slate of villains feels unlike anything we’ve seen.

There’s Oswalda Cobblepot, a gender-flipped version of the classic villain who owns a cruise ship and sings cabaret while dealing with two idiot sons. Clayface, the kidnapper and failed actor. Firebug, a prop used by an extremely corrupt Gotham police department. Easily the best re-imagining I’ve seen so far is Caped Crusader’s version of Harley Quinn, a psychologist who mentally tortures the rich into giving up their wealth before killing themselves, while by day being a peppy pal of Barbara Gordon and flirting with Detective Montoya.

I am getting flashes of X-Men 97 here, certainly. I won’t say any episodes are quite as heart-stopping as any of those, and this is a much more procedural series with a case of the week and few throughlines (Harvey Dent is one). But that doesn’t matter, it stands on its own in an era where live-action DC is badly trying to find its footings with the failure of the DCEU and the unknowns coming in James Gunn’s DCU. This is Bruce Timm’s DC, arguably the best DC, and it’s going to be a must-watch for any long-term Batman fan.

Amazon Prime Video has gotten well-known for superhero animation due to Invincible, but they were wise to pick up this project which, while technically something that could easily be watched by children, speaks to the core of Batman’s appeal for fans of any age, and it can go some pretty dark places. Ten episodes is more than enough to become engrossed in this new variant of Gotham, and with reports a second season is already in the works, I cannot wait to see how the show grows and expands from here. Absolutely give it a few hours of your time this week.

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