BOWLING GREEN, Ky. – With a New Year upon us, many people are setting New Year’s resolutions for themselves… and one of those may involve your finances.
Well, we’re going to make sure this resolution actually sticks, because a local partner has some tips on how to be financially successful.
Pinnacle Financial’s Regional President Rick Seadler says to always have a plan… without one, you’re destined to fail.
He also says to talk to people who know finances better than you, whether it’s a relative, financial advisor or planner.
But most importantly, when it comes to starting a New Year:
“Review where you were… review what you did right… review what worked for you, where you can get better at, and use that as your foundational base for where you’re going in the next year,” Seadler says.
He adds to take a deep breath, because you’re starting fresh. Also, be an avid reader and learn from others’ mistakes so you can better your own future.