
Gideon Drucker is the CEO and Lead Financial Planner at Drucker Wealth. Since joining the family business in 2016, Gideon has focused on empowering mid-career professionals to take more control of their financial affairs. 

He founded his firm’s Wealth Builder Division in 2018, realizing that many people in their 30s and 40s are at the most eventful financial stage of their lives while simultaneously being overlooked by most wealth management firms focusing on retirees. Gideon hired and trained a top-notch advisor team to support this growing client base.

Gideon’s focus on full-life planning has led to exponential year-over-year growth in the number of families he serves. He has developed partnerships with industry-leading CPAs and estate planning platforms and integrated new technologies to ensure clients receive personal and proactive service.

Gideon is a contributor to Investopedia and has been featured in several media outlets, providing industry insights and expert knowledge to BusinessInsider, Forbes, InvestmentNews, and more.

As a financial literacy educator, Gideon hosts regular webinars and writes weekly newsletters to educate mid-career professionals about all things financial planning. He published his book How To Avoid HENRY Syndrome in 2020 with the goal of helping young professionals take control of their financial future.


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