Gray Zone Warfare has announced the details of its first major update that will include new systems and content such as the day and night cycle, as well as the first wipe for the game.

The Night Ops update for Gray Zone Warfare was first shown off behind closed doors at Gamescom last month, but has now been revealed to a wider audience, with a full global premier due later today online. The update will add some major features to Gray Zone Warfare, with the highlight being the day and night cycle that has been promised for months.

Currently, in Gray Zone Warfare the island you play on is permanently in the daytime, but once the new update hits that will change to feature a full day and night cycle where you can finally go out during the night for some more stealthy operations. While we only get a brief look at this in action it already looks like a major change to the game that will make some areas very different.

In the footage due to be released later today we can see that in darkness it is much easier to sneak into areas without alerting the AI enemies, or even other real players. Visibility massively shrinks, which should make some of the tasks in areas filled with enemies a lot easier.

There’s also new attachments such as flashlights, laser sights and even the addition of night vision systems to make sure you can still make your way around the map and take down the problematic enemies in your way.

As someone who played a lot of Gray Zone Warfare during the initial test and launch period but then dropped off pretty quickly, I am incredibly excited about this one change. One of my main issues was how similar the game started to feel after a while, with the AI enemies often being in the same place and fights with them usually playing out the same way once they spot you. But with a better option for stealth and more tactical play I’m hopeful that isn’t going to happen, and that this could finally turn Gray Zone into the game it always promised to be.

Also coming in the same update are changes to how strong the AI is when it comes to aiming, the amount of time it takes to call a helicopter, the economy and player progression and the loot levels around the world.

Rounding out the new patch will be the launch of the first wipe for Gray Zone Warfare, where all your progress will be wiped and everyone starts from scratch. Any bonuses you purchased through the different editions of the game will still be present, but just like in Escape From Tarkov, everything else will be wiped giving you another reason to jump back in.

There’s no date for when the new patch will launch, with more info promised in the coming weeks. However, chances are the update will arrive sooner rather than later, and hopefully it will revitalise Gray Zone Warfare after it’s incredible launch earlier this year.


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