Haryana Minister Rao Narbir Singh has announced a significant infrastructure push aimed at shaping Gurugram’s future over the next five years. Highlighting the improved connectivity and a strengthened road network, Singh assured that the groundwork for the city’s long-term prosperity is being laid. The update was shared by officials on Sunday.
One of the major initiatives includes the construction of an elevated road linking the Gurugram-Jaipur National Highway to Vatika Chowk. Moreover, four flyovers will be built between Vatika Chowk and Ghata at a budget of Rs 800 crore. Singh is also an MLA from Badshahpur and holds a portfolio for commerce, Wildlife, and forests, sharing the above details on major infrastructure projects in the districts. An official statement confirmed a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for this major initiative to be executed by the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA), is currently right now. The minister assured that once the DPR is finalized, the groundwork will start on time.
Singh while addressing a gathering during his visit to Vatika City in sector 49, reasserted his commitment to making Gurugram a cleaner and more attractive city. He stated that in all the upcoming projects, public opinions will be given preference, and will ensure that the voice of the common man is considered in making governance decisions.
‘’The current government does not just make promises in the ‘Sankalp Patra’, we ensure their realization, ‘’ he added. He also directed the officials to make sure that there is effective implementation of all government schemes and that citizens can receive all the benefits.
Singh also stressed that officials should follow all the necessary criteria while implementing development projects. He also informed that work related to a community center at Close South in Sector 50 is to commence in the next two months.
The minister has mentioned that prompt action will be taken on the encroachments along the green belt from Vatika Chowk to Ghata. To oversee the removal of encroachments, District Town Planner R S Bhath has been appointed as the nodal officer, he added. A stern deadline of January 31 has been put up for removing unauthorized structures along the 12-km stretch, reinforcing the government’s commitment to planned urban development.
(With inputs from PTI)