Want to add a little holiday spirit to your Mac desktop? A pay-what-you-like app called Festivitas lets you do just that.

Festivitas dangles virtual Christmas lights from the Mac’s Menu Bar and Dock, offering subtle seasonal decoration.

If you’re worried the lights will get in the way of you clicking icons or accessing menus at the top of the screen, don’t be. The lights are not clickable and they don’t affect your ability to click on whatever appears beneath them.

Festivitas Options

Festivitas has a range of settings—accessible from a Menu Bar icon—that let you tweak the decorative lights to suit.

You can change the opacity of the lights, the cable color and thickness, the size of the lights and the distance between them, and the pattern and speed of how they flicker. You can also change the color of the lights or turn them all white.

There are individual settings for both the Menu Bar and Dock lights, so you can have two different patterns going at the same time, or choose to remove the lights from one of them. Personally, I find the Dock lights less intrusive than the Menu Bar ones, mainly because I tend to keep windows at the top of the screen where the lights are dangling.

How Much Is Festivitas?

Festivitas doesn’t have a set price. It’s a pay-what-you-like app, although the minimum permitted contribution is €4 ($4.23).

It’s compatible with macOS 14.6 or later and pay attention to the accessibility permission requirements on the Festivitas website when you come to install the app.

Oh, and don’t forget to turn the lights off before you go to bed…


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