What could be more embarrassing that performing badly at karaoke and having everyone see you? It’s a truly humiliating experience, and that’s why researchers recently used it to study the science of blushing.

Charles Darwin used to wonder about the biology of blushing. In his book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, he wrote “blushing is the most peculiar and the most human of all expressions”. But even today, researchers are still not quite certain of the neuroscience behind blushing. In a recent study, researchers in The Netherlands tried to learn more about blushing by making people sing challenging karaoke songs and telling them that others would be watching.

If you’re already blushing from second-hand embarrassment at the thought of having people hear you sing, imagine how the participants of this study felt.

All of them were female volunteers between the ages of 16 and 20. “It is known that blushing increases during this life stage, since adolescents are very sensitive to other people’s opinions and can be afraid of rejection or leaving wrong impressions,” said developmental psychologist Milica Nikolic, who led the research study, in a statement to the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience.

The participants were told that the study involved watching videos while in an MRI scanner. Only when they got to the laboratory did they find out that these videos were going to be clips of them singing karaoke – and that others would be watching as well.

FIrst, the participants recorded their own karaoke performance. They didn’t get to choose from the usual comprehensive karaoke selection, but all had to sing four pre-selected challenging songs: “Hello” by Adele, “All the things you said” by tATu, “Let it go” from the Frozen soundtrack and “All I want For Christmas is you” by Mariah Carey.

On a later visit to the lab they were put in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine that measured their brain activity while they watched video clips of their own performance, as well as clips from other volunteers and from a professional singer performing the same pieces. The study participants also had a sensor on their cheek that measured how warm their face got, so that the researchers could track both blushing and brain activity at the same time.

As everyone expected, the participants blushed more when they watched their own performance than when they watched the other singers. Whether the others were good or bad didn’t matter – only their own performance made them blush.

While they were blushing, the brain areas that showed the most activity were the cerebellum and the areas linked to visual responses. The cerebellum is usually associated with movement, but it does have a link to emotional processing as well. However, there wasn’t a notable change in activity in parts of the brain linked to understanding others’ mental states. “Based on this we concluded that thinking about others’ thoughts may not be necessary for blushing to occur” Nikolic said. “Blushing may be a part of the automatic arousal you feel when you are exposed and there is something that is relevant to the self”.

Another new research study on blushing reveals that humans aren’t the only ones with flushed cheeks: Chickens blush as well – but for different reasons. Researchers in France recently showed that chickens get flushed cheeks when they’re excited or scared. If chickens could sing, karaoke would probably make them blush as well.


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