If you’ve tried Meta’s Ray-Bans smart glasses, you’ll know that there’s a range of designs to choose from. As well as frame shapes, there are sizes and colors to choose from. And now, Meta has just launched a new limited-edition option.

The frame shape is Wayfarer (my favorite, since you ask) and the new pair, which arrives just in time for Paris Fashion Week, is a collab with Parisian ready-to-wear and accessories brand Coperni.

Since you know what the shape looks like, you’re right to ask what’s special here. First, there’s the color. The frames come in transparent black, which look pretty cool, if you ask me. They come in one size only, standard, not large.

And the lenses are described as grey mirror.

There are already Meta Ray-Bans with translucent frames—the shiny caramel transparent design looks terrific—but there’s another thing about the new pair that’s unique: the Coperni branding.

There are two places for this. First, at the end of the spectacles’ arms, right at the tip, the bit that sits just behind your ears, there’s the company logo.

Second, on the lens itself, it spells out the brand name on the lens itself, at the top of the lens that sits in front of your left eye. Don’t worry, the lettering is small and discreet, placed right at the top, almost where your eyebrow sits, so it won’t obscure what you’re looking at.

There’s also limited-edition numbering on the specs and a special Coperni charging case.

Other than these details, the smart specs look exactly the same as the others in the range, that is, they have a camera to shoot stills or video, a light to tell anyone if you’re recording. The neat speakers sit in the arms to squirt music or call audio into your ears, relaying the sound from your companion smartphone.

The Meta Ray-Bans also respond to the built-in voice assistant to answer questions like, “Hey, Meta, what am I looking at?” or, “Hey, Meta, what’s the time in Peru?” Other questions are available, too, of course.

So, does this limited edition come with a price hike? It does. Regular Meta Ray-Bans cost between $299 and $379 (£299 to £379 in the U.K.), but this pair costs $549 (£519 in the U.K.).

Be warned, it’s limited to just 3,600 pairs, so if you like them, don’t hang about.


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