The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 25.57 points or 0.1% to end at 42,706.56 on Monday, according to Dow Jones Market Data. The index is up 0.4% year to date, logging its best start over the first three trading days of a year since 2021, when it rose 0.7%.
The S&P 500 rose 32.91 points or 0.6% to finish at 5,975.38, sealing back-to-back gains. It is up 1.6% year to date, its best start to a year since 2018, when it rose 1.9%.
The Nasdaq Composite increased 243.30 points or 1.2% to close at 19,864.98, also booking back-to-back gains. The tech-heavy index is up 2.9% year to date, its best start to a year since 2009, when it rose 4.8%.