The importance of identity as a human right cannot be underestimated, especially when considering the broader implications for economic empowerment and social stability. In countries where a robust identity system is not in place, people often possess potential assets but lack the formal recognition needed to leverage them effectively. These resources are held in defective forms, rendering them almost useless for creating capital. In these parts of the world, many lack an official address. They may have houses, but without titles, they cannot use these assets to obtain loans, secure insurance, or invest in their futures. Without clear property rights, neither capital nor credit will venture into these regions, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and instability.

The absence of clear title and the right to transfer property discourages investment and prevents the use of land as collateral, leading to what de Soto describes as “citadels of dead capital,” where value remains inaccessible.

Without identity documents, people are invisible in the market; their property, businesses, and transactions remain unrecognized, hindering societal progress.

A trusted digital identity fosters investment, clear property records guarantee credit, and proper documentation allows for identification and aid. Company statutes can pool resources for recovery, mortgages can raise funds, and contracts can solidify commitments. Tragically, approximately one billion people around the world lack a legal identity, meaning they do not have official documents such as birth certificates, passports, or national IDs that are crucial for accessing essential services and participating fully in society. This issue is particularly prevalent in low-income countries, where the majority of those without legal identities reside​, living without the benefit of the rule of law. Identity empowerment is the key to unlocking the potential for economic development.

This is where responsible biometric and AI solutions can help address the crucial stakes of the ID “Identity Divide,” change the course of so many lives, and make a dent in society for the greater good. Only by empowering identity can we pave the way for sustainable development.

To effectively address the identity divide, a multifaceted approach is required that involves collaboration between governments, private sector entities, international organizations, and local communities.

A primary step is the establishment of comprehensive and inclusive identity registration systems that leverage advanced biometric technologies while ensuring privacy and security. Governments should prioritize the creation of legal frameworks that mandate the issuance of identity documents to all citizens at birth, guaranteeing universal coverage. Such systems must be designed to protect against data breaches and misuse, adhering to strict data protection regulations and ethical guidelines. They must necessarily be equipped with artificial integrity.

Public-private partnerships can play a crucial role in this initiative. Technology companies specializing in AI and biometric solutions should work alongside governmental bodies to develop and deploy robust identity management systems. These partnerships can facilitate the transfer of technology and expertise, ensuring that even the most remote areas have access to identity registration services. Moreover, local communities must be engaged in the design and implementation process to ensure cultural sensitivity and acceptance, which are critical for the success of such programs.

In addition to technological and legal measures, educational campaigns are vital to raising awareness about the importance of legal identity and the rights and benefits associated with it. Community leaders and local organizations can be instrumental in disseminating information and encouraging participation in identity registration drives. Educational initiatives should also address the need for continuous updating and maintenance of identity records to reflect changes in individuals’ lives, such as marriages, births, and deaths.

Furthermore, financial incentives and support mechanisms can encourage individuals to register for identity documents. For instance, providing immediate benefits such as access to social services, financial aid, or microloans upon registration can motivate individuals to participate in the identity system. Governments and financial institutions should work together to ensure that newly registered individuals can leverage their legal identities to access credit, secure property rights, and participate in the formal economy.

International organizations and development agencies must also be involved in supporting identity programs in low-income countries. Funding and technical assistance from these entities can help build the necessary infrastructure and provide training for local officials. Additionally, international standards and best practices for identity management should be promoted and adopted to ensure consistency and reliability across different regions and countries.

Finally, it is essential to implement monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track the progress and impact of identity programs. Continuous assessment allows for the identification of challenges and the adjustment of strategies to better meet the needs of the population. By fostering transparency and accountability, these mechanisms help build trust in the system and ensure that the benefits of legal identity reach everyone, especially the most marginalized.

Only by adopting a holistic approach that combines technological innovation, legal reform, community engagement, education, financial incentives, and international cooperation can we address the identity divide responsibly and effectively, empowering individuals, promoting economic development, and contributing to social stability and peace.

Taking things holistically—this is what a digital for good strategy is.


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