Andy Kaiser is CEO & cofounder of Ninetailed, with a background in psychology, marketing, data and entrepreneurship.

The digital landscape has evolved far beyond its nascent stages in today’s interconnected world. We’re now part of an era where the consumer market is in perpetual flux, with demands escalating and competition intensifying at unprecedented rates.

For businesses to thrive in this dynamic terrain, where customer acquisition costs are 60% higher than five years ago, it’s imperative to harness the power of technology, not just as a tool for survival but as a means to catalyze growth. Yet technological advancements can often be a double-edged sword, introducing complexities and ambiguities that can confound rather than clarify.

We are awash in data, much siloed across disparate systems and platforms. Creating content has become accessible and cost-effective, but the critical question of relevance remains unanswered. Modern consumers seek more than generalized experiences; they crave personalized interactions that resonate with their unique identities and preferences.

The quest for personalization, however, presents us with an intricate challenge: How do we deliver personalization at scale?

Drawing from my extensive experience in delivering personalization at scale for various leading brands, I’ve learned that it’s far more dynamic than a linear progression. Inspired by the need to create genuinely individualized experiences at a massive scale, personalization is not about climbing a pyramid step by step.

Instead, it’s a continuous loop of analyzing data, making suggestions and crafting unique experiences right from the start. This loop thrives on constant optimization, leveraging every interaction, audience insight and experience to refine itself automatically. It necessitates a seamless blend of data, content, efficient workflows and ongoing refinement.


The power of AI lies in its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, unveil hidden audience segments and decipher their unique behaviors, preferences and interests.

This granular understanding of audiences allows for creating highly relevant content tailored to each segment. Such content is not merely a one-size-fits-all message tweaked slightly to fit different demographics. Instead, it’s a targeted communication designed from the ground up to resonate with each audience segment’s specific needs, wants and preferences.

The role of AI continues beyond uncovering audience segments and creating relevant content. It extends to automating these processes, enabling businesses to deliver personalization at scale.

Moreover, AI technologies excel at providing increasingly relevant responses by analyzing previous user activity and intent. This continuous learning and adaptation significantly enhances the quality of recommendations over time. By leveraging these capabilities, businesses can achieve unprecedented levels of personalization at scale, making AI an indispensable tool in delivering tailored content to diverse customer segments.

Content And Data

Content and customer data are indeed the backbone of any personalization.

It’s the conduit through which businesses communicate with their audiences and the substance that shapes and fuels customer engagement. From headlines and CTAs to images and product descriptions, every piece of content a visitor encounters on a website or other channels contributes to their overall experience.

Content takes on an even more vital role in personalization at scale. It serves as the vehicle for personalization, shaping each user’s unique journey through a brand’s digital landscape.

Effective personalization isn’t about showing different people the same content in slightly varied forms. It’s about delivering the right content tailored to a user’s needs, interests and circumstances at the right time and through the right channels.

This requires deeply understanding your audience segments’ behaviors, preferences and pain points. It also necessitates creating diverse content catering to these varying needs and preferences.

With such a wide array of customer profiles to cater to, creating relevant content for each segment may seem daunting. However, leveraging data and AI can help streamline this process, enabling businesses to create and deliver personalized content at scale.

To harness AI tools’ full potential, it’s essential to ensure they analyze the most relevant customer data for accurate insights. The next wave of AI applications, named “SynthAI” by a16z, goes beyond basic prompts by leveraging vast amounts of information and context to detect patterns and trends in customer behavior. This can inform and enhance content creation.

Additionally, AI can automate content delivery, ensuring personalized content reaches the right audience at the optimal time. This includes customized email campaigns, tailored website experiences and individualized product recommendations, all driven by a deep understanding of customer data.


Experimentation plays a pivotal role in personalization at scale. It is the foundation upon which effective, personalized experiences are built and refined.

Experimenting means testing different approaches to see what works best for each audience segment. This could involve trying out different types of content, varying the timing or channel of delivery or adjusting the tone and style of communication.

All personalization must be tested because what works for one audience segment might not work for another. Each experiment provides valuable insights into audience preferences and behaviors, which can then be used to optimize the personalization further.

Experimentation is not a one-time project; it’s an ongoing process. As businesses gather more data and their audience segments evolve, they must continuously test and refine their personalization strategies. This iterative approach ensures that the personalized experiences they deliver remain relevant and effective over time.

Experimentation can also help identify hidden opportunities for personalization. Sometimes, the most impactful personalization strategies are obscure but are discovered through trial and error.

Looking Forward

Personalization at scale is very much achievable with continuous optimization. By continually analyzing, creating, experimenting and personalizing, businesses can deliver highly relevant and engaging experiences to their audiences at scale. Keep the loop in mind.

1. Analyze: This is where you leverage past experiments, behavior and conversion data to understand your audience, uncover hidden segments and identify trends and insights.

2. Create: Based on the analysis insights, you can create content variants tailored to each audience segment.

3. Experiment: After creating the content, you can test which versions work best with different audience segments.

4. Personalize: You can deliver the best content to each audience segment based on the test results.

The loop finishes by returning to the analysis phase, where you review the content’s performance, gather new data and gain insights for the next content creation and testing cycle.

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