In case you missed Tuesday’s NYT Mini, you can find the answers here:

The NYT Mini is a quick and dirty version of the newspaper’s larger and long-running crossword. Most days, there are between three and five clues in each direction on a five by five grid, but the puzzles are sometimes larger, especially on Saturdays.

Unlike its larger sibling, the NYT Mini crossword is free to play on the New York Times website or NYT Games app. However, you’ll need an NYT Games subscription to access previous puzzles in the archives.

The NYT Mini is a fun daily distraction that usually takes no time at all. I try to beat the standard weekday grid in less than a minute. But sometimes I can’t quite figure out one or two clues and need to reveal the answer.

To help you avoid doing that, here are the NYT Mini Crossword answers (spoilers lie ahead, of course):

NYT Mini Crossword Clues And Answers


1) Facebook’s parent company
5) Full-length skirts … and a morning hour read backward
6) Written with pen
7) N.B.A. team that nearly renamed itself the Swamp Dragons in the 1990s
8) “___ a Wonderful Life”


1) French modernist painter … and a morning hour read backward
2) What lighted signs mark in theaters
3) Altoids containers
4) Pose a question
5) Short skirt

Well, for starters, I definitely thought that MANET was MONET because I only know like four painters, and that did not pan out. I also learned a lot about skirts today that there’s also a MAXI and not just a MINI version of it. I mean I knew long skirts existed, but I didn’t know they were called that. I guess that’s why we do puzzles like this, right?

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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.


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