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Anyone can become rich — even you. Even if your salary isn’t as high as you’d like, there are ways to increase your net worth.

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So, how can you get richer? Motivational speaker Tony Robbins shared a few tips.

Tony Robbins talks a lot about how having the right mindset can help you achieve your financial goals.

“The more you can cultivate that sense of wealth — that sense of abundance in you — the more you can feel that sense of joy, the more easy it’s going to be for you to do financially,” he said in a YouTube video, “The power of mindset to achieve financial freedom.”

With this mindset, you can leave behind the “scarce, fearful mode.” And you can start to progress toward your financial goals.

This mindset can carry you through the tough, frustrating and boring times. But it’s only a start — not the complete template to becoming wealthier.

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Have you ever wanted something — say, to become a millionaire — but not been able to achieve it? The problem might be that you’re not able to measure it.

“You can’t manage something if you don’t measure it, and the more you measure it, the better it gets because where focus goes, energy goes,” said Tony Robbins in his video “How To Raise Your Standards To Get ANYTHING YOU WANT.”

So, what does this mean?

According to Robbins, you need to measure where you are now so you know where you need to go. Once you have that baseline information, you can put your focus — and efforts — toward achieving your goals.

Tony Robbins is an advocate of working hard and pushing yourself. One area he emphasizes is setting SMART goals.

“Progress equals happiness,” he said.

To lead a fulfilled life, people need to feel like they’re working toward something important. But not all goals are created equal, which is why Tony Robbins suggests setting SMART goals.

SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and have a set time frame.

“Saying you ‘want to earn more’ is too vague,” said Robbins. “Instead, pick a number for how much money you want to earn. Do you want to start making $150,000 per year, $500,000 or even $1 million? Do you want to increase your business profits by 20%? Set a clear number to track your progress against.”

You don’t have to be a millionaire to get richer. Even if you earn a more typical salary, you can build wealth. Much of it comes down to making smart investments.

“Don’t lose money,” said Tony Robbins in an interview with Dan Martell. “If you’re only trying to make money and you don’t look at the downside, you’re going to get hurt.”

Instead, Robbins suggests focusing on having “the right asset allocation” so you don’t lose money. This means having the following:

What those buckets look like depends on you, your risk tolerance, your short- and long-term financial goals and your investment strategy. But having a balance of both high- and low-risk investments can help grow your wealth over time.

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: Tony Robbins’ Top 4 Tips for Getting Richer


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